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End in Mind's 30-3-30 Videos

There's a proven communications philosophy called the "30-3-30 Principle." The concept is that you should give your clients/customers a worthwhile "takeaway" whether they spend 30 seconds with your material, 3 minutes with it, or 30 minutes with it.

In the spirit of this philosophy, we invite you to read the description of each video for your 30 seconds of information. Follow the link to the corresponding blog post for your 3 minutes of content. Or, watch the corresponding video (we promise to keep them well under 30 minutes!) for concepts and insights to strengthen your communications, marketing and PR strategies, regardless of your industry.

If you like what you read or see, be sure to get in touch with us to discuss how implementing some of these concepts can help you achieve your organizational goals and vision. We're here to support you, and remember, always begin with the End in Mind!

Content under development - thank you for your interest!
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